Cyber risk assessment services

Get the comprehensive cyber risk assessment services you need to inform security and business decisions in the language your stakeholders will understand.

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Our cyber risk assessment services methodology

Our approach to cyber risk assessment services follows industry frameworks accepted by common regulations, such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), and regulatory bodies such as the Office of Civil Rights (OCR), the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), the Security Standards Council (SSC), and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

Our process is outlined below and aligns closely with NIST SP 800-30 Guide for conducing cyber risk assessment services.

  • Our preparation for a cyber risk assessment service considers the assessment purpose, scope, assumptions or constraints, and approach used. 
  • Post-assessment deliverables include a report summarizing the risk assessment process and methodology. The report also includes the results of the collaborative work conducted by our team and your organizationto identify, analyze, document, and categorize information security risksincluding the analysis of threats and relevant vulnerabilities. 
  • We also provide a report to inform and guide risk decisions, executive briefings, risk memos, or risk dashboards. 
  • When we conduct a risk assessment it includes identifying threat sources, threat events, inherent risk, the likelihood of threats being realized, the impact of threats being realized, and a list of identified residual risks prioritized by urgency.
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Our Approach

We make it easy to improve and manage your security

We believe great cybersecurity exists at the intersection of exceptional service delivery and purposeful deployment of security solutions.

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  • Easy to understand

    Our security experts are trained to support and communicate in ways you can understand. Cybersecurity solutions are created to answer your questions on your terms.

  • Easy to choose

    We have an established reputation as security and technology leaders. With a clear definition of cybersecurity outcomes for your business, you can make the best decisions to secure your organization.

  • Easy to trust

    We deliver clear and consistent communication. Paired with our trusted operations and reporting, your stakeholders can have peace of mind in their cybersecurity decisions.

Our solutions make it easy to progress in your cybersecurity journey

No matter where you are in your cybersecurity journey, we can help. Whether you're just beginning, looking to improve, or not sure where to go next, our trusted experts are committed to your success and can help you every step of the way.

Frequently asked questions

We partner with you to understand your needs. We can work within your budget and help you scope your projects accordingly.

When budgeting for cybersecurity risk assessment services, several factors influence the final cost. Key among these is the size and complexity of your organization. Larger enterprises with extensive networks, multiple branches, and diverse systems require more comprehensive assessments, leading to higher costs. If you operate in regulated industries such as finance or healthcare, stricter compliance requirements may necessitate more in-depth assessments, further impacting overall costs.

The scope of the assessment also plays a crucial role. Assessments covering a broader range of assets—networks, applications, endpoints, and cloud environments—are naturally more expensive than those with a narrower focus. If your cyber risk assessment includes advanced techniques such as penetration testing, threat modeling, or red team exercises, expect additional expertise and resources to be required, affecting the overall cost.

Expertise levels required from the service provider are another key consideration. Specialized assessments targeting specific industries or emerging threats may necessitate the involvement of cybersecurity experts with specialized knowledge and skills, who typically command higher rates.

Finally, the depth of analysis impacts pricing. Comprehensive assessments that delve deeply into identifying vulnerabilities, analyzing threat vectors, and recommending remediation strategies will require more time and resources, leading to higher costs.

We work with you to meet your specific deadlines. When you let us know about your timeline and priorities, we do everything we can to support your goals and success.

The duration of a cybersecurity risk assessment varies based on several factors, including the size and complexity of your organization, the scope of the assessment, and the methodologies employed. Generally, expect the process to take several weeks, though this can vary.

For smaller organizations with simpler IT infrastructures, the assessment may take a few weeks to a couple of months. Larger enterprises with extensive networks, multiple locations, and diverse systems may require more time for a thorough assessment. Broader assessments covering various networks, applications, endpoints, and cloud environments take longer than those focused on specific areas.

If your assessment involves detailed vulnerability scans, penetration testing, and threat modeling, it will take more time compared to basic risk identification and assessment. The availability of resources—both your staff and the service provider's team—also affects the timeline. Efficient communication and collaboration can expedite the process, while delays in scheduling or accessing necessary data can prolong it.

Prioritizing thoroughness and accuracy over speed is crucial. Rushing through an assessment process can lead to oversights, undermining its effectiveness and potentially leaving your organization vulnerable.

Reporting and communication are a key component of our partnership. If you would like to know more, please reach out and one of our risk assessment experts will be happy to help.

A comprehensive risk assessment report, together with a risk register we develop for you, provides a detailed analysis of your cybersecurity posture, identifying potential threats, vulnerabilities, and associated risks. While the specific format and contents vary, typical elements include:

Executive summary: The report begins with an executive summary that provides an overview of the key findings, recommendations, and implications for your cybersecurity strategy. This section is for senior leadership and stakeholders who need to understand the high-level risks and their potential impact on the business.

Introduction: The introduction provides background information about the purpose and scope of the risk assessment, including the methodology used, the timeframe of the assessment, and any relevant regulatory requirements or compliance standards.

Risk assessment methodology: This section outlines the approach used to assess cybersecurity risks, including evaluation criteria, data sources, and techniques assessing the likelihood and impact of identified risks.

Risk identification: The report details the specific threats and vulnerabilities identified during the assessment, including external and internal risks such as malware infections, phishing attacks, unauthorized access, and data breaches. Each risk is described in terms of its potential impact on your assets, operations, and reputation.

Risk analysis: This section evaluates the identified risks based on their likelihood and potential impact. This can involve qualitative assessments, such as likelihood and impact matrices, and quantitative methods, such as risk scoring or modeling.

Risk mitigation recommendations: Based on the findings of the risk assessment, the report provides actionable recommendations for mitigating identified risks and enhancing cybersecurity defenses. Recommendations may include implementing security controls, adopting best practices, enhancing employee training, and investing in technology solutions.

Appendix: The report may include additional information, such as detailed findings, supporting evidence, technical documentation, and references to relevant standards or guidelines. This provides supplementary information for stakeholders requiring more in-depth analysis.

If you are uncertain about what a proper risk assessment cadence should look like (in combination with your day-to-day risk management activities), our experts can help with insights and input based on your priorities and budget.

Cybersecurity risk assessments should be regular, ongoing processes to keep pace with evolving threats, changes in the organization's IT environment, and emerging vulnerabilities. The frequency varies depending on regulatory requirements, industry best practices, organizational risk tolerance, and changes within the IT landscape.

Annual assessments are common and align with regulatory mandates in certain industries, allowing a comprehensive evaluation of your security posture. However, if you operate in a highly dynamic environment or face heightened security risks, consider more frequent assessments, such as semi-annually or quarterly.

Certain events or triggers may also prompt ad hoc risk assessments outside of the regular schedule. Significant changes to your IT infrastructure, such as the deployment of new systems or applications, mergers or acquisitions, or security incidents, may necessitate a reassessment of risks and vulnerabilities.

Stay proactive by conducting assessments whenever there are substantial changes to regulatory requirements or industry standards. This approach supports compliance with relevant regulations and allows you to adapt your security measures accordingly.

Strategic partners

We make it easy to tackle whatever comes next. We deliver the most comprehensive set of integrated security services in the market by harnessing the best technology available.

View all of our strategic partners

CrowdStrike logo
CrowdStrike Endpoint
Microsoft Logo
Microsoft Security Analytics & SIEM
Splunk logo
Splunk Security Analytics & SIEM
Tenable logo
Tenable Vulnerability Management
Zscaler logo
Zscaler Cloud Security

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  2. Agree on a plan

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  3. Start maximizing your protection

    Experience peace of mind knowing what matters most is secure.

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