Infrastructure penetration testing

Let’s break it before hackers do!

Test with the same tools and techniques as the world’s most dangerous bad actors. We deliver a clear view of vulnerabilities that can’t be uncovered any other way.

Consult with an expert
two men working together.

We make it easy to test your defenses.

There’s no such thing as a standard penetration test or vulnerability scan. We work with you to plan offensive services that flex to your business needs and can be executed in as little as one week.

  • Collaborate with expert engineers with years of experience in both public and private sectors.
  • Receive tailored testing that balances cost and coverage without compromising quality or disrupting business.
  • Gain visibility into exploitable vulnerabilities and get actionable takeaways for remediation.
  • Access evidence-based reporting to inform security strategy, prioritization, and spending for better protection.

We’re the good hackers for hire.

Perimeter infrastructure isn’t as porous as it used to be. Most infrastructure security threats stem from misconfiguration and human oversight. Automated testing can’t find these common errors. Our approach includes human-based planning to simulate actions of a human bad actor.

Intelligence Gathering

We start by understanding your systems. A security engineer identifies and fingerprints live hosts and starts probing. We establish the network topology and confirm what operating systems and available services are present. We verify what access control mechanisms are in place and any  core interactions  between systems.

Inventory Vulnerabilities

Our security engineers use known vulnerabilities to identify potential entry points into a system. These entry points include legitimate services such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP mail exchangers, DNS, IMAP/POP, and file sharing services.

Network Topology

We identify the vulnerabilities present. These relate to network configuration, design principles, and protocol-specific characteristics. Testing for these attack paths utilizes spoofing techniques and protocol-specific tests. A security engineer may exploit fragmentation, trust relationships, protocol encapsulation, routing tricks, and implementation flaws.

Misconfiguration and Backdoor Tests

We confirm if the systems are correctly configured and scan the network for hidden backdoors. A security engineer attempts to exploit both.

Authentication and Access Control Schemes

We attempt to subvert authentication and access control mechanisms using dictionary and brute force attacks on reusable passwords, exploit authentication schemes, attempt social engineering, and review your contingency plan procedures for flaws.

White Box, Black Box, or a Combo

Our infrastructure penetration testing services include white, black, or gray box methodologies. White box testing gives you maximum coverage to ensure critical assets are tested. Black box testing simulates the attacks from a cyber criminal using only publicly available information. A gray box test finds the balance of testing defenses while ensuring critical asset coverage.

Our Approach

We make it easy to improve and manage your security

We believe great cybersecurity exists at the intersection of exceptional service delivery and purposeful deployment of security solutions.

Learn more about making cybersecurity easier

  • Easy to understand

    Our security experts are trained to support and communicate in ways you can understand. Cybersecurity solutions are created to answer your questions on your terms.

  • Easy to choose

    We have an established reputation as security and technology leaders. With a clear definition of cybersecurity outcomes for your business, you can make the best decisions to secure your organization.

  • Easy to trust

    We deliver clear and consistent communication. Paired with our trusted operations and reporting, your stakeholders can have peace of mind in their cybersecurity decisions.

Our solutions make it easy to progress in your cybersecurity journey.

No matter where you are in your cybersecurity journey, we can help. Whether you're just beginning, looking to improve, or not sure where to go next, our trusted experts are committed to your success and can help you every step of the way.

Strategic partners

We make it easy to tackle whatever comes next. We deliver the most comprehensive set of integrated security services in the market by harnessing the best technology available.

View all of our strategic partners

CrowdStrike logo
CrowdStrike Endpoint
Microsoft Logo
Microsoft Security Analytics & SIEM
Splunk logo
Splunk Security Analytics & SIEM
Tenable logo
Tenable Vulnerability Management
Zscaler logo
Zscaler Cloud Security

Explore comprehensive cybersecurity protection today.

  1. Consult with an expert

    Talk to one of our cybersecurity experts so we can better understand your needs and how we can help.

  2. Agree on a plan

    Based on your objectives we’ll create a tailored plan to meet your cybersecurity needs.

  3. Start maximizing your protection

    Experience peace of mind knowing what matters most is secure.

Consult with an expert